The parents' association is an association of parents whose children attend the Smart City Leopoldinum elementary school. We work closely with the school and try to be as involved as possible. In addition to financial and physical support, the parents' association also acts as a bridge between parents and the school. The elected parent representatives of each class play a special role.

  • Support

    Within the scope of its financial possibilities, the parents’ association supports school events (individual and group support) or school-related purchases (individual support) and directly supports families in financial distress. More informationApplication form

    read more: Support

Coming soon

  • Wednesday, 19. March – Wednesday, 19. March
    Schulfrei Landespatron Steiermark (Hl. Josef)
    No school, public holiday in Styria
  • Monday, 24. March 7:30
    Elternkaffee / Parent’s Coffee/Breakfast
    7:30 – 8:30 Wagner Biro Strasse 126, Graz
  • Saturday, 12. April – Monday, 21. April
    Osterferien / Easter Holidays
  • Thursday, 1. May – Thursday, 1. May
  • Friday, 2. May – Friday, 2. May
    Schulautonomer Tag


E-Mail Address

Whatapp Group Chat
Gruppenfoto EV Vorstand

Richard Forsyth


Elsie Sauer

Obmannstellvertreterin / Debuty chair

Lejla Durek

Schriftfรผhrerin / Secretary

Nicole Binder

Stellvertretende Schriftfรผhrerin / Debuty Secretary

Alfred Wertner

Kassier / Treasurer

Kekishan Azhar

Stellvertretender Kassier / Debuty Treasurer